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Salvation – Confusing Views



 The assurance of salvation is a foundational aspect of Christian belief, representing the confidence and hope that believers have in their relationship with God and their eternal destiny. However, the diverse interpretations of key aspects of salvation have led to confusion and a lack of unity among Christians. The quest for a clear answer to the fundamental question, “What must I do to be saved?” can be a perplexing and potentially detrimental journey for our Christian growth. A lack of consensus among various Christian denominations regarding this question adds to the confusion. These divergent responses are so vast that believers may struggle to find assurance in their salvation, and those endeavoring to evangelize may find it exceedingly challenging to navigate these discrepancies. Considering that scholars have been studying and writing about this topic for nearly 2000 years, one would expect a unified answer to have emerged. However, even in the present day, Christian denominations remain divided on their perspectives.


The unity Christ seeks to establish within us as one body seems incompatible with the conflicting viewpoints we hold on such a vital aspect of our unity: the meaning of salvation and the requirements for attaining it. How can individuals be certain that their understanding of “What must I do to be saved?” is correct?


In this writing, we hope to provide readers with an overview of some “conflicting views” believers may experience when seeking assurance of their salvation. It will explore the contrasting opinions on distinct facets of salvation upheld by various factions within the realm of Christianity. The intent of this writing is simply to enlighten readers on these issues.



Differing Views of Aspects of Salvation:

The aspects covered in this section include: being born again, the role of the Holy Spirit, baptism, the Kingdom of God, free will, predestination, the order of salvation, and the question of salvation by faith or works. Here, I will discuss them respectively.


  1. Born Again: The concept of being “born again” evokes varied interpretations among Christians. Some understand it as a spiritual rebirth experienced through the sacrament of baptism, symbolizing the cleansing from sin and incorporation into the body of Christ. Others emphasize a personal conversion experience, signifying a turning point in one’s life when they accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. There is confusion and a lack of agreement regarding this transformative experience.


  1. The Holy Spirit: The role of the Holy Spirit in salvation is another area that generates confusion. While some emphasize the Holy Spirit’s work in sanctification, empowering believers to live holy lives, others focus on the Holy Spirit’s role in conviction, regeneration, guidance, and spiritual gifts. These divergent views lead to uncertainties regarding the Holy Spirit’s involvement in the salvation process.


  1. Baptism: Baptism is a significant sacrament in Christianity but believers understand it differently. Some perceive it as an essential step for salvation, believing that it conveys God’s saving grace and marks one’s initiation into the faith community. Others view it primarily as a public declaration of one’s faith and discipleship, emphasizing a personal commitment to Christ. The varying interpretations of baptism create confusion about its significance and its relationship to assurance of salvation.


  1. The Kingdom of God: Understanding the Kingdom of God contributes to the complexity of assurance of salvation. Some believe the Kingdom of God is a present reality that prepares the body of believers for Jesus’ return for consummation. Others believe the Kingdom of God is the establishment of Christ’s Church on earth, but rather than Christ consummating the body of believers, they emphasize the progression of individuals to exaltation and eternal life. Still, others believe the Kingdom of God is a present reality but only through the work of the Church in proclaiming the Gospel and transforming lives. These contrasting perspectives on the Kingdom’s nature and scope hinder a unified understanding of the believer’s place in God’s Kingdom and the assurance it brings.


  1. Free Will and Predestination: The interplay between free will and predestination engenders deep theological divisions among Christians. Some emphasize the freedom of human will, asserting that individuals have the capacity to accept or reject God’s offer of salvation. Others focus on the sovereignty of God, asserting that predestination is the determining factor in salvation, with God choosing certain individuals for redemption. These differing perspectives create confusion about the extent of human responsibility and divine sovereignty in the assurance of salvation.


  1. Order of Salvation: The order of salvation, or the Ordo Salutis, represents the sequence of events or processes involved in an individual’s salvation. However, the specific steps and their arrangement vary among Christians. While some emphasize the initiation of salvation by God’s grace, followed by faith, repentance, baptism, justification, sanctification, and ultimately glorification, others diverge in the order or place different emphasis on certain steps. The lack of agreement on the precise sequence and significance of these steps contributes to uncertainties regarding the assurance of salvation.


  1. Salvation by Faith or Works: The question of whether salvation is obtained by faith alone or through a combination of faith and works further adds to the confusion among Christians. While some emphasize salvation by faith as the sole means of justification before God, others highlight the importance of good works as evidence of true faith. These differing views on the role of faith and works in salvation create uncertainty and divergent understandings of how one can have assurance of salvation.




The diverse interpretations of key aspects of salvation, including being born again, the role of the Holy Spirit, baptism, the Kingdom of God, free will, predestination, the order of salvation, and the question of salvation by faith or works, have resulted in confusion and a lack of unity among Christians. These differing perspectives contribute to uncertainties and hinder a cohesive understanding of assurance of salvation. While this lack of unity can be challenging, it is crucial for believers to engage in open and respectful dialogue, seeking a deeper understanding of these aspects and striving for unity amidst theological diversity. But, most of all, let us remember the Holy Spirit leads true believers to all truths. If we would allow him, he will guide us into all truths. ( John 16:13; John 17:20-23)

See the related post(s) for additional information:

Salvation: How Can I Be Saved?


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Name: Carl Evans

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